Saturday, January 17, 2009

El Nuevo Libro de Cocina Dietetica del DrAtkins con Recetas Rapidas y Sencillas or Harvesting the Dream

El Nuevo Libro de Cocina Dietetica del Dr.Atkins con Recetas Rapidas y Sencillas

Author: Robert C Atkins

Suculentas Recetas en un Abrir y Cerrar de Ojos

Le presentamos el complemento perfecto al libro La Nueva Revolución Dietética del Dr. Atkins con suculentas recetas que podrán pasar de la estufa a su mesa en treinta minutos o incluso menos.

Olvídese de la ensalada sin aderezo, o de las resecas pechugas de pollo sin piel y de las insípidas verduras cocidas. Olvídese de las pequeñas porciones, de los alimentos sin grasa o desabridos, y dese el gusto de repetir su platillo favorito. Olvídese de pasar horas en la cocina. Con las deliciosas recetas de El Nuevo Libro de Cocina Dietética del Dr. Atkins se regocijará con jugosos filetes, suculentas costillas, deliciosos huevos y platillos con queso; además podrá permitirse el placer de gozar de cremosas salsas y postres.

Cada receta especifica la cantidad de carbohidratos por porción, e incluso contiene una guía para convertir sus propias recetas de acuerdo al estándar Atkins. Este libro de cocina está diseñado para alimentarse saludablemente y le ayudará a preparar comidas deliciosas todos los días, con lo que se sentirá como nuevo.

Library Journal

This new diet cookbook can be seen as a complement and logical sequel to the author's previous book, Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution. Explaining the key role that carbohydrates play in the chemistry of human metabolism, Atkins argues for the reduction of carbohydrate intake. People who love to eat well can enjoy the delicious meals outlined here without feeling guilty, since the mechanisms for weight loss and weight maintenance are carefully kept in balance. The recipes cover a variety of dishes, from salads and soups to main courses and desserts, with step-by-step instructions and suggestions for combining them. Recommended for public libraries.--Jos Fornes

Book review: Partisan Politics Divided Government and the Economy or Personal Finance8th Edition

Harvesting the Dream: The Rags-to-Riches Tale of the Sutter Home Winery

Author: Kate Heyho

Harvesting the Dream is the rare story of a large and successful business that remains family owned and continues to operate on the basis of professional and personal integrity. You’ll follow the Trinchero family from their common origins in a New York flooded with immigrant families like themselves, to their uncommon rise to success, to the present business challenges they face in the new Napa Valley. Their story brings the American dream to life–and underscores the reality that hard work and the willingness to defy well-rooted conventions are still the building blocks of business success.

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